alpha seven releases

2023: a track per month

Released on Bandcamp and all streaming platforms


One Tree Hill

Automation for industry

in colour

Music for imagined TV programmes

Six electronic instrumentals composed for TV programmes that have never existed.

Inspired by the theme music of British TV shows from the 60s onwards.

On all streaming platforms or available from Bandcamp.

album cover featuring old mixing desk

4am at the Sofa club

A collection of archive tracks dating from 1996 - these were often played at the Sofa ambient club night in Norwich, UK when Pete and fellow DJ Reg Tubby would attempt to stay awake during the all-nighter sessions.

Download available from Bandcamp

album cover featuring spiders web in tree

Clear skies and satellites

A selection of tunes from 2020

On all streaming platforms or limited edition CD available from Bandcamp

illustration of minimetro car on track

Perugia MiniMetro (27th September 2019)

Music for a metro system, a new single inspired by a visit to Italy

On all streaming platforms or available from Bandcamp

illustration of portastudio and sound desk

Selected Early Works (14th June 2019)

A selection of tracks from 1995 to 2000 - including tracks from Great Lift Journeys and the alpha seven albums.

On all streaming platforms or CD available from Bandcamp

Testcard containing the phrase ALPHA SEVEN

Great TV Masts of the UK (2015)

Inspired by a visit to the awe-inspiring Emley Moor mast, this album celebrates television masts and the landscapes they inhabit, plus the music of testcards and the mysterious test transmissions and tuning signals that went out during the days when television didn't have programmes all day. It's a mix of processed field recordings, sounds recovered from alpha seven's cassette library and both real and virtual synthesisers, custom built for the project.

On all streaming platforms or CD, cassette or download available from Bandcamp

More about Great TV Masts and pages from Ceefax

Greenwich Light Vessel

Greenwich Light Vessel (2013)

Greenwich Light Vessel is ambient (in places), electronic, atmospheric. It mixes contemporary recording software with vintage electronics - old synths, drum machines, calculators, noise, radios and a dishwasher. Part experimental, part melodic soundtrack.

Download available from Bandcamp


Space (2008)

SPACE was inspired by the SPACE AGE exhibition - organised by the V&A Museum of childhood which toured the UK in 2008. It was played in the gallery space during its time at Sheffield's Weston Park museum and is a mix of spacey, sciency, sci-fi theme music and background sound effects for imaginary television, film or radio series.

Think - Sputnik, Space Patrol, Tomorrow's World. In the 1960s people thought we'd be living on the moon by now. This album echoes the bleepy hopes of those days - 14 tracks in all with a mix of music, melody and atmosphere.

Ok, so we're not living on the moon but fortunately there's still awe-inspiring, seriously cool, futuristic stuff about, such as the Lovell telescope at Jodrell bank. Not enough songs get written about radio telescopes.

CD or download available from Bandcamp

Lava lamp

alpha seven (2000)

The follow-up to Great Lift Journeys of Norwich was released in 2000. Feedback was positive but the online CD distribution model didn't really work.

Not currently available, however some tracks from this are available on Selected Early Works

Great Lift Journeys of Norwich

Great Lift Journeys of Norwich and other stories (1997)

Inspired by an encounter with a talking lift, ambient Djs Reg Tubby and Alpha Seven hit on the idea of recording them and mixing them in between tracks in their SOFA nights - an ambient club night that ran in various venues in Norwich in the mid to late nineties.

Pete released Great Lift Journeys of Norwich at the start of 1997. It did feature lift recordings although the media got the wrong end of the stick. There followed a bizarre week of national media coverage, finishing with an appearance on the Today programme with Anna Ford.

Later on the CD got some Radio 1 airplay from John Peel and Mark and Lard.

Reviews for Great lift journeys of Norwich

  • an excellent gem in the ambient/chillout realm - discogs review
  • Suffice to say that this is a definite grower and modern/ambient fans should give this a try - Synth music direct
  • Yes, as you'd probably guess, it's well-crafted Ambient muzak, elevator music for folks who can truly appreciate it. Hints of love, hints of sadness, hints of a lot of things, easily digested and passed, leaving you instantly hungry for more. - Ambience for the masses
  • 'contains nothing but the sound of lifts' - The Daily Mail

And the journo from Elevator World magazine seemed to like it too.

Not currently available, however some tracks from this are available on Selected Early Works

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